Sunday, February 22, 2009


The Beyonce/Hugh Jackman medly is NOT working. Yikes!

Enough Brangelina/Jennifer cutaways

Do they HAVE to cut the camera to Brad and Angelina every time Jennifer Aniston says anything?

Better late than never

...just ran in the door after coming home form Santa Barbara where I had the World's Best Hamburger at the Paradise Cafe. (had to send it back when it was overcooked from the medium I had ordered, but then it was perfect)
First impression ... what's up with the five old actresses introducing the best supporting actress? I thought it was long and kind of boring. Penelope rules -- I will be taking longer than 45 seconds -- but then she did and I was bored...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Evan Laxer Doesn't Get Ready

Instead of practicing his red carpet JUMP routine near the duck pond at Laurelhurst park today, Evan Laxer was seen chasing small, fast running dogs in a muddy meadow and melting down when his cheese stick that he didn't want to eat, was broken in two pieces. Insiders are reporting that Laxer is being styled by Patty Kerr who is renowned for stripes and ties.

not ready!

goin to the movies  gettin on the boa

goin to the movies  gettin on the boa

goin to the movies  gettin on the boa


(having seen nothing)  (where is that thing?)